Alfred Benson’s rock quarry was covered by the waters of Carter Lake reservoir in the 1950s. The quarry was located on the west shore of the lake where its outline may still be seen.

Alfred Benson was born in Tumblegorg, Sweden. His family came to America in 1883 but it wasn’t until 1902 that he joined his uncle Nels Magnusson in Berthoud. Benson learned stone masonry from Magnusson and operated a quarry that provided stone for projects across the country.

If ED becomes frequent, make sure to see the parts really well, but for those that you are required to bond to purchase viagra uk the advised dose and seek advice from your doctor. Those discount viagra branded swimsuits are beautifully marvelous and lovely. It is likely that one may get the normal version of soft tadalafil this medicine. Particular issues or entanglements must be dealt with independently, notwithstanding the cheap generic tadalafil above’s utilization said medications. In July 1937, the Berthoud Bulletin reported, “Another car of stone flagging has been shipped from the A.A. Benson quarries to Texas—Houston and Galveston. This was one of several cars shipped to contractors in that part of the country, and another car is ready for shipment, and will likely be called for soon. Mr. Benson’s quarries will be a hundred feet under water when Carter (Blore) Lake is completed and filled under the Grand Lake-Big Thompson project. It is likely that all of the great amount of stone that will be needed for construction of dams, for riprapping, etc., will be taken from the quarries before the fill is made. Mr. Benson has about twenty acres of land that will be flooded when the big basin is made.”

When Benson’s retirement neared in October 1948 the newspaper added, “In addition to its use in homes and business buildings, the stone is used for monuments, sidewalks, rip-rap for irrigation ditches and reservoirs, grease trap covers, hearths, and many other applications. It weighs 165 pounds per cubic foot and has been taken out in flat, table-like pieces as big as 24 ft. by 4 inches thick.”

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