Working to Preserve an Important Heritage
Director, Tracy Theobald Briggs
邮政信箱 225,科罗拉多州伯特胡德,80513
Phone Number: 970-532-2147
Our Board of Directors
Board President – Mark French
Vice President – Clyde Hodge
Finance Officer – Linda Mathias
Secretary – Sherrie Merrow
Nikki Georges
Cherri Robb
Joyce Chaput
The Berthoud Historical Society (BHS) is an educational non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to preserving and presenting the history of the town of Berthoud, the Little Thompson Valley area, Colorado and the surrounding region. We accomplish our mission by: maintaining the Little Thompson Valley Pioneer Museum and the McCarty-Fickel Home; preserving historic structures; collecting applicable archival material; publishing papers; collecting; conserving; exhibiting; and interpreting appropriate artifacts and reproductions; developing and presenting a variety of educational programs for schools and the general public; and placing local history into a regional, national, and international context.
Mission Statement
该协会成立于 1976 年,当时 Berthoud 市长 RB Fickel 博士邀请有兴趣的人开会,目的是成立一个当地历史协会。1977 年 2 月 22 日,科罗拉多州将 Berthoud 历史协会注册为法人,该协会正式成立。
第一届董事会的创始人和成员包括海伦·菲克尔博士、RB·菲克尔博士、哈罗德·古斯塔夫森、OD Mayo、弗朗西斯·尼尔森和阿尔·施密特。菲克尔夫妇在确保位于 228 Mountain Ave. 的历史悠久的 AG Bimson 铁匠铺成为小汤普森谷先锋博物馆方面发挥了重要作用。
伯特胡德历史学会的运营资金来自会员费、游客捐款、现金捐赠和筹款活动。12 名董事会成员每月召开一次会议。每季度出版一份简报《伯特胡德历史新闻》,向会员通报即将举行的活动。