2024 演讲者系列 - Ken Jessen 谈论 Great Western Sugar

伯特胡德社区娱乐中心 1000 Berthoud Parkway,Berthoud,科罗拉多州,美国

1 月 16 日下午 7-9 点冬春演讲系列 
肯·杰森 (Ken Jessen) 谈论 Great Western Sugar。
在 Berthoud 社区娱乐中心。

City Star Brewing 的 BHS 冬季琐事

城市之星啤酒 321 Mountain Avenue,伯特胡德,科罗拉多州,美国

2024 年 1 月 22 日星期一,在科罗拉多州伯特胡德的 City Star Brewing 踏入迷人的历史世界,参加伯特胡德历史学会主办的引人入胜且有趣的历史琐事之夜。召集您的朋友、家人和其他历史爱好者,测试您对各种历史事件、人物和里程碑的了解。在 City Star Brewing 温馨宜人的氛围中,参与者可以享受一个充满欢笑、友情和友好竞争的夜晚,同时品尝现场酿造的精选精酿啤酒。琐事之夜将以独特的方式融合教育和娱乐,参与者将沉浸在丰富的历史画卷中,同时被伯特胡德最受欢迎的当地啤酒厂之一的温暖和魅力所包围。

沉浸在历史中,Berthoud 历史协会将举办一场庆祝小镇遗产及其他历史的晚会。无论您是经验丰富的历史爱好者,还是只想找个有趣的方式度过周一晚上,City Star Brewing 举办的历史琐事之夜都为您提供学习、回忆和与社区联系的机会。加入我们,度过一个难忘的历史探索之夜,品尝美味的啤酒,并有机会赢得令人兴奋的奖品,踏上科罗拉多州 Berthoud 中心的时光之旅。

活动系列 2024 年先锋庭院音乐会

先锋庭院音乐会——Once Upon a Tune

小汤普森谷先锋博物馆庭院 224 Mountain Avenue,Berthoud,CO,United States

Help us kick off the Berthoud Historical Society's free Summer Concert Series on June 12! A food truck will be onsite along with beverages by City Star Brewing and also boxed wine - all available for purchase to support the Berthoud Historical Society. Gates open at 5:30 - music starts at 6:30. Join us for a fun evening to support the rich history of Berthoud, CO!
Parking.... Mountain Ave, Berthoud Post Office, church parking lot behind the museum.

活动系列 2024 年先锋庭院音乐会

Concerts in the Pioneer Courtyard – “An Old Fashioned Guitar Pull” with Jim Deeming, Bella Spellman, & Butch Hause

小汤普森谷先锋博物馆庭院 224 Mountain Avenue,Berthoud,CO,United States

Get ready to groove at an "Old Fashioned Guitar Pull featuring artists Jim Deeming, Bella Spellman, and Butch Hause!

A food truck will be onsite along with beverages by City Star Brewing and also wine - all available for purchase to support the Berthoud Historical Society.

活动系列 2024 年先锋庭院音乐会


小汤普森谷先锋博物馆庭院 224 Mountain Avenue,Berthoud,CO,United States

Jon Chandler is known throughout the country as the Voice of Colorado. A seventh-generation Coloradan, his music and writing share his intimate knowledge of both the New West and the Old West. Jon joins us on July 10th for a FREE Concert in the Pioneer Courtyard!  You don't want to miss this one!

2024 Historic Barn Tour

For over a decade, Berthoud Historical Society leaders and members have discussed hosting a BARN TOUR of local barns. As housing and retail development increases, the need to view and […]

無料 – $15.00

Speaker Series – The Ins and Outs of a Museum

伯特胡德社区娱乐中心 1000 Berthoud Parkway,Berthoud,科罗拉多州,美国

Join us on October 15th at 7 pm for The Ins and Outs of a Museum, a captivating presentation by Andrew Wayland, taking place in the community room of the Berthoud Recreation Center. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply curious about what goes on behind the scenes at museums, Andrew will provide an insider's perspective on how exhibits are curated, artifacts are preserved, and the intricate planning that brings history to life for visitors. Don't miss this chance to explore the fascinating world of museums from a new angle!
