Berthoud Feed & Supply

by Mark French

The Berthoud Feed Store at 603 3rd Street is located in a classic building constructed in 1947 for use as by the Farmers Grain & Bean Association. That company operated the towering grain elevator that is located directly across the intersection.

In July 1947 the Boletín Berthoud reported, “Above is a Bulletin photo of the elaborate new office of Farmers Grain & Bean, in Berthoud, opened by the manager Mrs. Lucille Jensen. The streamlined structure boasts metal awnings, a small warehouse in the rear, and a new up-to-date, 40 ft. Fairbanks Morse outside scale. On the interior, the facilities include modern-styled furniture, gas heat, insulation throughout, new drinking fountain and rest rooms. The building is lighted by the new Cathode lights. Mrs. Jensen, one of the few women managers in the country of such establishment, has direct electrical communication with elevator across the street by means of a talk-listen inter-communication.”

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By December 1983 the building housed “Berthoud Feed & Supply.” That month the local newspaper noted, “To most it’s known as the Berthoud grain elevator or simply the elevator. A new name, though, is now associated with this Berthoud landmark. Still operated by Harris Bean, the feed supply division of the company is now identified by the name Berthoud Feed and Supply.

“The new name comes hand-in-hand with the company’s recent expansion of the feed portion of the business. The store at the base of the elevator (across the street) now carries three brands of dog and cat food…Also stocked now is hay and plans are underway to try to start offering bulk feed for livestock sometime next year…It’s still Harris Bean but your beans can get a lot more than beans nowadays.”

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