Private Event and Wedding Venues
Save the Dates!
Wednesday, July 5, 2023 - Jon Chandler
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - Bella Speelman
Saturday, July 29, 2023 - Greenbean Boys (Special Fundraising Concert)Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023 - Caitlyn Taussig
Save the Date - May 13th
9am to 12pm!
Master Gardeners to answer questions
Hand Crafted Items
At the Little Thompson Valley Pioneer Museum Courtyard
224 Mountain Avenue, in Berthoud.
Our Museums:
Little Thompson Valley
Pioneer Museum
224 Mountain Avenue, Berthoud
Hours of Operation
Open Thursday-Saturday, 1-4 p.m.
Admission Charges:
Adults – $5
Seniors and Youth (12-18) – $3
Children (11 and under) – Free
Members always free
McCarty-Fickel Home Museum
645 7th Street, Berthoud
Open by Appointment
Admission Charges:
Children over 11 and Adults – $5
Children (11 and under) – Free
Members always free
Come visit Berthoud!
We would love to see you.
Please consider helping the historical society by making a donation:

Make a Donation to BHS
Your donation to The Berthoud Historical Society is tax deductable and greatly appreciated!
Save the Dates for the 2023 Concerts in the Pioneer Courtyard!
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 – Trinity Seely
Wednesday, July 5, 2023 – Jon Chandler
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 – Bella Speelman
Saturday, July 29, 2023 – Greenbean Boys (Special Fundraising Concert)
Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023 – Caitlyn Taussig
June 21, July 5, July 19, and August 2 concerts are FREE ADMISSION with Donations Gratefully Accepted
July 29 Greenbean Boys Concert Tickets are $25 BELOW or Physical Tickets may be purchased at the Museum.

Celebrate Weddings and Events at Our Museum Properties!
Celebrate your memories, new and old, in the historic setting of Berthoud, Colorado.
If you are interested in a site tour or would like to discuss holding your next event on one of the Berthoud Historical Society properties, please contact
Cherri Robb at 970-203-5051
Give Where You Live Through the Colorado Gives Program
For friends and members of the Berthoud Historical Society Colorado Gives Day on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, is a great way to support our organization as we prepare for future successes. We are thrilled to accept donations throughout the year, but many of you catch the spirit on Colorado Gives Day and provide us with generous monetary donations.
Last year on Colorado Gives Day seventeen individual donors contributed a total of $2,970.00 to the Berthoud Historical Society. Those donations help strengthen the Society’s long term future and were deposited in the Berthoud Historical Society Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado (CFNC).
If you would like to make an online donation to BHS now or on Colorado Gives Day 2022 please connect to “Colorado Gives Day” on your internet browser. If you prefer, BHS is also happy to receive checks sent directly to Berthoud Historical Society at P.O. Box 225, Berthoud, Colorado, 80513. Donors receive donation receipts from BHS and the Society’s heartfelt thanks!
2023 Bygone Berthoud Calendar on Sale Now!

Please Note: Calendar is $15 plus $5 for shipping. This Cart button adds one calendar to your cart. If you wish to purchase multiple calendars, you can increment the quantity on the VIEW CART Page.
The BHS Garden Group 2021 Online Plant Sale is LIVE!
Our Summer Concert Series are always a Big Hit!
Dedicated to a rich rural heritage, the Berthoud Historical Society (est. 1977) discovers and preserves the history of the town of Berthoud, the Little Thompson Valley area, Colorado and the surrounding region.
Exciting events, the Little Thompson Valley Pioneer Museum and the McCarty-Fickel Home house museum combine to educate and entertain members and visitors about the area’s original and ongoing development.
Berthoud, the original settlement of the Little Thompson Valley, is located in Northern Colorado’s Larimer County. The community is named after Capt. Edward L. Berthoud who engineered an extension of the Colorado Central Railroad route from Longmont to Cheyenne in 1877. Influential in the politics of the Colorado Territory, Capt. Berthoud never made his home in the community that now boasts a population of nearly 10,000 residents in the town and outlying rural areas.
Delve into the
Fascinating History of Berthoud, Colorado
Author and President of the Berthoud Historical Society, Mark French uncovers the fascinating history of Berthoud, Colorado, beginning with the Native Americans and pre-railroad travelers through the Little Thompson Valley, continuing with the hard work of hearty homesteaders who made the original river bottom settlement a bustling agricultural center and capturing the spirit of a community that developed the town after it was relocated to the bluff.
“Mark French opens up the rich history of this Little Thompson Valley settlement. This excellent historical work, including many illustrations, is well worth adding to a library on Colorado history.”
~Kenneth Jessen — historian, author, lecturer
ISBN 978-1-7321963-0-8 | 5½ x 8½ softcover • 260 pages | over 150 photos, illustrations, maps
Purchase Price $25 (includes Shipping)
Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Berthoud Historical Society endowment.
Delve into the
Fascinating History of Berthoud, Colorado
In 1907 Motor Field magazine proclaimed Berthoud’s Floyd Clymer as the “youngest automobile agent in the United States and that means the world.” The 11-year-old Clymer embellished the claim by noting he had “Teddy Roosevelt’s assurance” he was the youngest agent in the business.
While in Berthoud, Colorado, young Clymer sold more than two dozen vehicles, traveling by train with his clients to Denver where they purchased an auto and were taught to drive on the 50-mile journey back to Berthoud.
Author Mark French uncovers Floyd Clymer’s years in Berthoud (1899 to 1910) by pairing Clymer’s published first-person recollections of his activities from several volumes of his historical Motor Scrapbook with local newspaper articles. The “Kid Agent” comes to life through visits to early automobile shows, observations of the 1908 New York to Paris Race automobile race, viewing of the first air flight over Colorado, and his attempt at a nationally publicized cross-country drive from Denver to Spokane in a Flanders “20.”
Purchase Price $25 (includes Shipping)
Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Berthoud Historical Society endowment.