Listen to Lectures, Myths, and Local Lore

Hosted by the Berthoud Recreation Center at Waggener Farm Park
and the Berthoud Community Library

Explore the history of Berthoud, the Little Thompson Valley, Colorado, and the surrounding region by attending our Speakers Series. The series brings a variety of presenters to Berthoud who entertain and educate local history buffs.

Our 2025 Speaker Series - Engaging Speakers at a Great New Venue!

Don’t miss an installment of the BHS Fall and Winter Speakers Series which is held on the third Tuesday of the month from September through April at the

Berthoud Community Library
236 Welch Avenue
Berthoud, CO 80513

and the

Berthoud Recreation Center at Waggener Farm Park
1000 Berthoud Pkwy
Berthoud, CO 80513.

January 21st, 7-9 pm Winter-Spring Speaker Series
The Year 1890, with Paul Flanders
At the Berthoud Community Library.

The 2025 Berthoud Historical Society speaker series will kick off on January 21 with a presentation by Paul Flanders on “The Year 1890.” Hear Paul talk about how the major economic and social changes set in motion during this significant turning point have affected us through the present and will affect our future. This event is to be held at the Berthoud Community Library, 236 Welch Avenue, Berthoud @ 7p.m.


February 18th, 7-9 pm Winter-Spring Speaker Series
Brewing, Barley, and Farming in Berthoud, with Todd Olander
At the Berthoud Community Library.

Todd Olander will be the speaker on February 18. When you’re enjoying a beer at your favorite local craft brewery, there’s a good chance the barley that went into your cold one was grown by Todd’s business, RootShoot Malting, right here in the Berthoud area. Todd will speak about his business, his love for farming, and how he works to preserve the farmland that has made Berthoud “the Garden Spot.”  This event is to be held at the Berthoud Community Library, 236 Welch Avenue, Berthoud @ 7p.m.


March 18th, 7-9 pm Winter-Spring Speaker Series
The History of Rocky Mountain National Park, with Dr. Karen Lloyd-D’Onofrio
At the Berthoud Community Recreation Center.

On March 18, Environmental Historian, Dr. Karen Lloyd-D’Onofrio, will talk about our own backyard, Rocky Mountain National Park, its cultural history dating back more than 12,000 years, and efforts to conserve the park. Come learn something new to look for on your next visit to RMNP! This event is to be held at the Berthoud Community Recreation Center, 1000 Berthoud Parkway, Berthoud @ 7p.m.


April 15th, 7-9 pm Winter-Spring Speaker Series
Speaker TBD
At the Berthoud Community Recreation Center.
